Cloud Computing is changing the way companies operate and it has become an indispensable component of almost all business technology. It is predicted that by 2020, over 93% of data center workloads will be devoted to the cloud. The major factor behind all Cloud Computing Trends is the digital transformation of businesses. As data volumes and workloads grow larger and larger, various industries direct their attention to Cloud Computing as an optimal solution. Some of the market segments that plan to spend the most on cloud computing services include manufacturing, professional services, and banking. You can find Cloud Computing Trends, Cloud Computing Statistics, and other Cloud Computing data below.
The booming Cloud Computing Trends are driven by cloud service providers trying to stay ahead of booming cloud workload and compute utilization. The Cloud Computing Statistics show that scalability, cost effectiveness, resiliency, enhancements in cloud security, and IT agility are major factors in this utilization growth. SaaS is the largest segment of the cloud and will continue to lead the cloud computing market during the forecast period. SaaS is usually easy to adopt, offers agility, and clear financial benefits to users. As the SaaS cloud computing trend continues to emerge, it will become an increasingly viable choice for organizations looking for the accessibility and versatility of software solutions and online data analysis tools. IaaS and PaaS will be the fastest-growing cloud computing markets during the forecast period, owing to the demands of modern organizations and workloads, which require infrastructure flexibility that traditional data centers cannot meet. Going forward, integrated IaaS and PaaS offerings are expected to drive the next wave of cloud infrastructure adoption.
Market research sources moderately disagree on the Cloud Computing Market Size, moderately disagree on the Cloud Computing Market Share, and generally agree on the Cloud Computing Trends. The cause of disagreement is due to the lack of a standardized definition of Cloud Computing, limited reporting by cloud vendors about cloud revenues, and what types of products should be included. Therefore different sources may have very different perspectives of Cloud Computing statistics such as market share and Cloud Computing industry size. For a complete evaluation of the Cloud Computing Industry and Cloud Computing Trends, T4 recommends exploring all available sources. T4 aggregated and organized the data from these sources on the T4 Industry Research Platform. See Each source's view of the Cloud Computing Trends and Cloud Computing Statistics such as Market Size, and Market Share on the T4 Platform.
T4 comprehensively aggregated more than 100 reports from more than 50 publishers covering statistics and cloud computing trends in the Industry. This includes Cloud Computing statistics such as market size, Revenue by Region, Revenue by the vendor, Install Base Size by region, Install Base by deployment type, Adoption and Utilization, and more than 30 additional statistics. The Industry falls under T4's Information Technology industry coverage. Industries related to Cloud Computing in the T4 taxonomy include Cybersecurity, Network Infrastructure, Storage, and Internet of Things. Related subcategories of the Industry include Cloud Computing Deployment Models, Cloud IT Infrastructure, Cloud Management, Cloud Service Models, Cloud Workloads, Edge Computing, and Fog Computing, Public Cloud, Private Cloud, Hybrid Cloud, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (SaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). You can find reports covering these industries on T4’s Platform.
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