Hybrid Cloud is a Cloud Deployment Model that combines architectures of Public and Private clouds. It uses a mix of on-premises (private) IT and third-party (public) services which work side by side or exchange data with each other. Workloads can move between private and public clouds depending on computing needs, privacy concerns, and costs of operations. The primary benefit of a hybrid cloud is flexibility. One of the most common reasons an organization chooses a hybrid cloud is to help absorb cloud computing capacity surges that its private cloud alone cannot handle. In this case, the excess cloud computing workloads can be shifted to the public cloud. Modern digital businesses need the ability to quickly adapt and change trajectories in order to stay competitive. By taking the best of both worlds, businesses can ensure they find what works specifically for them. You can find Hybrid Cloud Market Size, Hybrid Cloud Market Share, and other trends and statistics below.
The chart shows the Hybrid Cloud Market Size from 2017 to 2025. In 2019, the size of the Hybrid Cloud Market was $54B and is projected to grow 22% in 2020. From 2017 to 2025 the Hybrid Cloud Market growth is projected to average 22% per year.
The chart shows Hybrid Cloud Market Share by Region in 2018. The leading Region in the Hybrid Cloud Industry was North America with 35% market share in 2018, followed by Europe with 28% market share, Asia-Pacific with 26%, and the rest of the world with 11%. View the source for this Hybrid Cloud Market Share by Region chart and other Market Share estimates here.
Hybrid Cloud is the fastest growing Cloud Deployment Model. The growth is driven by an increasing need for flexibility and companies realizing the benefits obtained from both the Private and Public cloud. Modern businesses are becoming more and more complex. The Hybrid Cloud is extremely flexible, allowing companies to shift workloads between public and private clouds, and saving money on rarely utilized private cloud infrastructure. Companies are understanding that despite being more "complex", this approach is often better as a long term solution.
Market research sources moderately disagree on the Hybrid Cloud Market Size, somewhat disagree on Hybrid Cloud Market Share by Region, and moderately disagree on Hybrid Cloud Growth. The cause of disagreement is due to all main regions having different levels of maturity and potential in the market. For example, the North American market is the largest, however, it also shows the lowest levels of growth. On the other hand, Asia-Pacific has great potential and shows the highest level of growth. This makes it difficult to give a single opinion about the whole market. For a complete evaluation of the Hybrid Cloud market, T4 recommends exploring all available sources. T4 aggregated and organized the data from these sources on the T4 Industry Research Platform. See Each source's view of the Hybrid Cloud Market, Hybrid Cloud Market Size, and Hybrid Cloud Market Share on the T4 Platform.
T4 comprehensively aggregated more than 40 reports from more than 25 publishers covering statistics and trends in the Industry. This includes Hybrid Cloud Market Share by Vendor, Vendor Comparisons, Adoption Rate, Revenue by Business Size, and more than 5 additional statistics. The Hybrid Cloud Industry falls under T4's Cloud Computing industry coverage. Industries related to Hybrid Cloud in the T4 taxonomy include Private Cloud, Public Cloud, Cloud IT Infrastructure, Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), and Platform as a Service (PaaS). You can find reports covering these industries on T4’s Platform.
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