Software as a Service (SaaS), a form of on-demand software, is one of the most popular models of cloud computing. It is a software distribution model where customers can access software which is hosted by a service provider over the internet. Users typically gain access to the SaaS application by logging in via a web browser. SaaS is used in a number of common business applications including document management, accounting, customer relationship management, human resource management, service desk management, content management, and collaboration. You can find SaaS Market Size, SaaS Market Share, and other trends and statistics below.
The chart shows the SaaS Market Size from 2018 to 2022. In 2019, the size of the SaaS Industry was $94.8B and is projected to grow by 16.9% in 2020. From 2018 to 2022, SaaS Growth is projected to average 15.8% per year.
The chart shows the SaaS Industry Market Share in 2019. The leading vendor in the SaaS Industry was Microsoft with 17% SaaS market share in 2019, followed by Salesforce with 12% market share, Adobe with 10% share, SAP with 6.5%, Oracle with 6.5%, and others (including Cisco, Google, IBM, ServiceNow, and Workday. with the remaining 48% market share. View the source for this SaaS Industry Market Share chart and other SaaS Market Share estimates here.
The SaaS Industry is the biggest and one of the fastest-growing cloud service models. The growth is driven by its popularity among organizations looking for accessibility and versatility of software solutions. Companies can work with online data analysis tools without the need to rely on installing and running applications on their own computer systems and data centers. SaaS is also popular amongst businesses for its simplicity and user accessibility, security, and the widespread connectivity that serves to streamline business models, resulting in maximum efficiency across the board.
Market research sources disagree intensely on the SaaS Market Size, moderately disagree on the SaaS Industry Market Share, and generally agree on the fast SaaS Growth. The cause of disagreement is due to the lack of a standardized definition of the SaaS Industry and what types of products should be included. Therefore different sources may have very different perspectives of SaaS Market Share and SaaS Market Size. For a complete evaluation of the SaaS Market, T4 recommends exploring all available sources. T4 aggregated and organized the data from these sources on the T4 Industry Research Platform. See each source's view of the SaaS Market, SaaS Market Size, and SaaS Market Share on the T4 Platform.
T4 comprehensively aggregated more than 100 reports from more than 40 publishers covering statistics and trends in the SaaS Industry. This includes SaaS Revenue by Region, SaaS Market Size, SaaS Market Share by Vendor, Pricing, SaaS Revenue by Deployment Type, SaaS Revenue by Region, SaaS Revenue by Functional Market, Revenue by Workload and more than 25 additional statistics. The Industry falls under T4's Cloud Computing industry coverage. Industries related to the T4 taxonomy include Cloud Workloads, Business Process as a Service, Cloud Enablement Services, Cloud Managed Services, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS). You can find reports covering these industries on T4’s Platform.
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