A Smart Speaker is a kind of smart device that integrates a wireless speaker and a virtual assistant that responds to voice commands and activates in response to "hot" words. Some speakers can act like smart devices that utilize WiFi, Bluetooth, or other wireless protocols. They can manage other devices and can act as a Smart Home Hub. Each type of smart speaker has unique features, abilities, and integrations. Smart speakers can also have video smart displays and cameras to help a user interact with and manage their device. Apple, Amazon, Google, and Microsoft provide the intelligent voice assistant and virtual assistant technology that powers most smart speakers outside of China.
Each of the top intelligent virtual assistant vendors gained initial adoption and smart speaker market share in different ways. Microsoft first introduced Microsoft Cortana as an assistant through its Windows operating system and has primarily been using its technology in other manufacturers' smart speakers. Microsoft did launch the Microsoft Surface Dial in 2019. Amazon gained smart speaker market share with the Amazon Echo, which integrated into the Amazon shopping experience. Apple penetrated the market with Siri initially through the Apple iPhone and was among the last of the top voice assistant companies to introduce a smart speaker. Google introduced the Google Assistant through the messaging app, Allo, then later used its Google Pixel and Google Home introduction, as well as the Android OS and Google Nest smart home install base to penetrate the smart speaker market. Within China, smart speaker market share leaders include Baidu, Alibaba, and Xiaomi, among others. You can find Smart Speaker Market Share, Smart Speaker Sales, Smart Speaker Market Size and other related Smart Speaker Statistics and Trends below.
The chart above shows Smart Speaker Market Share in 2020. Amazon is the top Smart Speaker market share leader with 28.3% share. Alexa from Amazon powers speakers including Amazon Echo, Echo Dot, and others. Google has 19.4% market share, with smart speakers including Google Home and Nest. Alibaba has 15.8% market share, Baidu has 13.8% market share, Xiaomi 13.6% share, Apple 1.5% share, and Others 7.6% share. View the source for this Smart Speaker Amazon Market Share chart and other Smart Speaker Market Share estimates here.
Access These Reports & MoreThe chart above shows the estimated Smart Speaker Market Installed Base for the top Country Markets in 2018 and 2019. The leading country, with a 52% share of the global Smart Speaker market installed base was the U.S., followed by Mainland China with a 25% share and UK with a 10% share. View the source for this Smart Speaker Market Installed Base by Country chart and other Smart Speaker Market estimates here.
Smart Speakers are seen as the cornerstone of the smart home experience and are gaining popularity across the consumer IoT industry. These devices are being designed to serve as a hub to connect with various digital streaming platforms, smart TVs and other devices, making them an essential smart home device to control other devices with a simple voice command. The growing popularity of voice assisted online shopping, is also one of the key growth drivers for these devices and will continue to be among its top applications by smart speaker owners. This market has also benefited from growing competition, and smart speakers are now available at various price points making the market more accessible to a wider consumer base.
Access These Reports & MoreResearch firms usually track the unit shipment of Smart Home devices across regions as reported by the top smart speaker vendors. Therefore, estimates for the Smart Speaker Market Share, Market Size Smart Speaker Sales, and other Smart Speaker Statistics are generally within the same ballpark across most reports. The main disagreement is how fast the market will grow as analysts have differing views on how much data privacy concerns among consumers will impact future growth and consumer adoption. There is an overall consensus that Smart Speakers will continue to see strong growth in the Smart Home market and be a leader among the Home Control & Connectivity subsegment. For more in depth research T4 recommends exploring all available sources. T4 has aggregated and organized the data from these sources on the T4 Industry Research Platform. See each source's view of the Smart Speaker market on the T4 Platform.
T4 comprehensively aggregated more than 60 reports from more than 15 publishers covering statistics and trends in the Smart Home Industry. This includes data on Smart Speaker Sales, Smart Speaker Installed Base, Smart Speaker consumer adoption Smart Speaker market share segmented by vendor and across regions/countries, as well as other Smart Speaker Statistics. You can also read about survey results and statistics that answer key questions such as smart speaker adoption trends, consumer needs and new IoT standards impacting growth. The Industry falls under T4's IoT Consumer Electronics industry coverage. Industries related to the Smart Speakers Market in the T4 taxonomy include Voice Assistant, Artificial Intelligence, Speech to Text, IoT Consumer Electronics, IoT Home Audio, Smart Home, and Smart Appliances. You can find reports covering these industries on T4’s Platform.
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