A Solid State Drive (SSD) is a data storage device that uses integrated circuit assemblies to store data persistently, typically using flash or NAND flash memory. It supports reading and writing data and maintains stored data in a permanent state even without power, as opposed to RAM memory which is volatile. SSDs are far more expensive, but far faster and often more reliable than a traditional Hard Disk Drive (HDD), which contain a spinning disk and a magnet. The key SSD market players are Samsung, Western Digital, and Kingston. You can find SSD Market Size, SSD Market Share, and other SSD Statistics below.
The chart shows the HDD and SSD Market Size in terms of unit shipments over a forecast period from 2016 to 2021. In 2020, 320 million units of SSDs were shipped worldwide and shipments are projected to grow 13% in 2021. From 2016 to 2021 the SSD Industry growth rate is projected to average 13% per year. To learn more about SSD shipments and other trends in the SSD market visit T4’s platform here.
The chart shows the SSD Market Share across different quarters between 2017 and 2019. The leading vendor in the SSD Industry was Samsung with a 28% SSD Market Share in 2019, followed by WDC with 20% market share, Kingston with 12%, Kioxia with 10%, Intel with 8% and a long tail of other smaller players taking the rest of the market share. View the source for this SSD Market Share chart and other SSD statistics here.
The SSD Market is growing rapidly as SSDs replace traditional HDD drives. SSD technology has been rapidly evolving with SSD storage densities increasing and prices quickly following. The price decreases of enterprise grade SSDs, in particular, are helping to drive HDD replacement. With the growth of 5G technology, many enterprises and cloud storage companies are accelerating the transition from HDDs to high capacity solid-state drives. SSDs are still far more expensive, but their fast read/write capabilities are essential for workloads that require quick access to data.
Market research sources generally agree on the SSD Market Size and SSD Market Share since the market statistics for SSDs are well reported by the vendors. The market analysis from these firms generally points to a robust growth in SSD revenue in the next few years as they continue to replace HDDs and technology for high speed SSDs develops. For a complete evaluation of the SSD Market, T4 recommends exploring all available sources. T4 aggregated and organized the data from these sources on the T4 Industry Research Platform. See Each source's view of the SSD Market, SSD Market Size, SSD Market Share, and other SSD Statistics on the T4 Platform.
T4 comprehensively aggregated more than 30 reports from more than 10 publishers covering statistics and trends in the Solid State Drive - SSD Industry. This includes SSD Demand, Capacity, Pricing trends, SSD Market Share, Sales by Region, Sales by Industry Vertical, Competitive Landscape, and more than 20 additional statistics. The SSD Industry falls under T4's Storage industry coverage. Industries related to SSD in the T4 taxonomy include NAND Memory, Optical Disk Drives, Hard Disk Drives (HDD), Enterprise Storage, Data Center, Enterprise SSD, NVME, and Random Access Memory (RAM). You can find reports covering these industries on T4’s Platform.
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