VR Headset Market Share

VR Headset Market Share

About the VR Headset Industry

A virtual reality (VR) headset is a head-mounted device that provides virtual reality for the wearer. Virtual reality headsets are widely used with video games but they are also used in other applications, including simulators and trainers. They comprise a stereoscopic head-mounted display (providing separate images for each eye), stereo sound, and head motion tracking sensors. Some VR headsets also have eye-tracking sensors and gaming controllers. VR Headsets have other uses than gaming, which are increasing their VR Headset Market share in the application of the VR industry. Virtual reality headsets are being currently used in healthcare, exposure therapy, aviation simulation, sports industry, and education. You can find VR Headset Market Size, VR Headset Market Share, and other trends and statistics below and you can learn more about T4's strategy consulting services here.

Global VR Headset Shipments, 2020-2024

VR Headset Market Size

The chart shows the VR Headset Market Size from 2020 to 2024. In 2020, the size of the VR Headset Industry is estimated to equal 6M and is projected to grow 49% in 2021. From 2020 to 2024 the VR Headset Industry growth is projected to average 6% per year. The standalone HDM has 48.5% of the VR Headset Market Share and it is forecasted to increase, while Tethered HDM and Screenless Viewer products will decrease. These estimates were made before the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The short term impact of COVID-19 on the VR Headset market growth will likely be Beneficial because Social Distancing policies involve people staying at home. An increasing number of consumers and employees stay indoors and look to AR and VR solutions for ways to collaborate with colleagues and entertain themselves and their families. The long term impact of COVID-19 on the Virtual Reality Headset market growth beyond the COVID-19 pandemic will likely be Medium because much of the supply chains for AR and VR headsets is shared with smartphones and PCs and many of these products are facing supply constraints as factories are operating at much lower capacity resulting in component shortages. The demand may face difficulties in the long term until production is restored completely. Request help with obtaining the source for this data and learn more about T4's strategy consulting services here.

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VR Headset Market Share
VR Headset Market Share

The chart shows VR Headset Market Share in 2019. The VR Headset Market is Concentrated among a few vendors. The leading Unit Shipments in the VR Headset Industry was Sony with a 37% VR market share in 2019, followed by Oculus (Facebook) with 28% VR Headset market share, HTC with 13% market share, and Others with 22%. The landscape of VR market share is changing fast, as Oculus is gaining VR Headset market share by growing in unit shipments, while Sony shows a moderate growth per year. Get help with market research for the VR Headset market, including the source for this VR Headset Market Share chart and learn more about T4's strategy consulting services here.

Growth Drivers

VR Headset growth is driven by the development of new technologies and an increase in the demand for devices used for different applications. There is a rising demand for high quality and effective pictures that has led to the developments in virtual reality technology. Furthermore, the adoption of VR headset technology is increasing in the aviation, defense, military and law enforcement, healthcare, education, sports and fashion industry. The new applications are gaining VR Headset Market share over gaming. In addition, growing smartphone adoption around the globe, and increasing technology awareness is expected to drive the VR headset market. The growing smartphone penetration and developments in 3D technology are expected to provide opportunities for the VR headset market share among the technology offerings.

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VR Headset Industry Competitor and Products

VR Headset is a Growing market composed of a few competitors. The top 2 competitors concentrate 65% of the total VR Headset market share. Sony market share was 37% of the VR Headset market in 2019. Sony leads the VR market share with 2.2M VR Headset shipments in 2019, increasing the volume of units by 10% vs 2018. Sony market share is decreasing over the years, although it still maintains the largest VR Headset market share. Oculus (Facebook) market share was 28% of the market in VR Headset. Oculus (Facebook) shipped 1.7M units in 2019, increasing from 900K units in 2018. This increase in Oculus units shipped resulted in a fast increase in the VR Headset market share from 19% in 2018 to 28% in 2019. HTC market share was 13% of the VR Headset market in 2019. 800K units were shipped by HTC in 2019, increasing 33% from the 600K shipped in 2018. Other companies’ market share was 22% of the VR Headset market in 2019. Other companies shipped 1.3M units in 2019, increasing from 1M units shipped in 2018. In terms of VR headset product types, standalone HMD has 49% of the VR headset market share in unit shipments, tethered HMD 45% and Screenless Viewer 6% of the share. Standalone HMD is forecasted to increase in VR Market share over the other products for the coming years.

What Additional VR Headset Industry Data Does T4 Have?

T4's research team can help you learn more about the VR Headset industry with market analysis, competitive analysis, commercial Due Diligence, and other market research needs. This includes deeper analysis on competitors in the VR Headset market, including: Sony, Oculus (Facebook), HTC, Google, Samsung, Microsoft, Razer; research into related topics such as VR, Virtual Reality, AR, Augmented Reality, Gaming, Consumer Electronics, Head-mounted displays, HDM, Sensors, Cameras, Position Trackers, Gesture-Tracking Devices, Medical Training and Education, Simulators, Real Estate (Architecture and Building Design), VR Content Creation; or additional support in the VR Headset Sector or other Sectors. Learn more about T4's strategy consulting services here.